Publications by Type and Status and Presentations
1. Journal Articles (Peer-Reviewed)
In Press
- "Antisemitism among Muslim immigrants in Germany" (in press). Czymara, C.S., M. Eisentraut, P. Kolkwitz-Anstötz, E. Davidov and P. Schmidt. European Sociological Review.
- "Personal Beauty Values: Development and validation of a multidimensional measurement scale" (2025). Kano Glückstad, F. H. Kobayashi, D. Seddig, E. Davidov and R. Nakamura. Journal of Consumer Behavior 24, 282-303.
- "Value incoherence precedes value change: Evidence from value development in childhood and adolescence across cultures" (2024). Daniel, E., A. Bardi, J. Lee, R. Scholz-Kuhn, E. Elizarov, J. Cieciuch, A. Knafo-Noam, A. Ramos, M. Vecchione, R. Algesheimer, E. M. Alvarez, A. B.-D. Lankry, M. Benish-Waisman, R. B. Rodriguez, A. Chomsky, P. Collins, E. Davidov, A. K. Döring, S. Habermann, M. Katsoty, M. Kindschi, E. Makarova, G. Marsicano, K. Misgav, T. P. Oeschger, L. P. da Costa, J. Sneddon, I. Tendais and L. Twito. European Journal of Personality.
-"Peers and value preferences among adolescents in school classes: A social network and longitudinal approach" (2024). Cieciuch, J., M. Kwiatkowska, M. Kindschi, E. Davidov and R. Algesheimer. European Journal of Psychology of Education 106(5), 651-664.
- "One and the same? How similar are basic human values and behavioral economic preferences" (2024). Scharfbillig, M. J. Cieciuch and E. Davidov. Plos One.
- "In search of a comparable measure of generalized individual religiosity in the World Values Survey" (2024). Remizova, A., M. Rudnev and E. Davidov. Sociological Methods and Research 53(2),839-871.
- "Basic human values and preferences for an EU-wide social benefit scheme" (2024). Reinl, A.-K., D. Seddig, J. Dennison and E. Davidov. Journal of Common Market Studies 62(2), 564-582..
- "Measuring the Four Higher-Order Values in Schwartz's Theory: Validation of a 17-Item Inventory" (2024). Lechner, C., C. Beierlein, E. Davidov and S. Schwartz. Journal of Personality Assessment 106 (5), 651-664.
- "Stigmatization in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic: A survey experiment using attribution theory and the familiarity hypothesis" (2023). Sattler, S., D. Maskileyson, E. Racine, E. Davidov and A. Escande. BMC Public Health 23, 521.
- "Measurement invariance in the social sciences: Historical development, methodological challenges, state of the art, and future perspectives" (2023). Leitgöb, H., D. Seddig, T. Asparouhov, D. Behr, E. Davidov, K. De Roover, S. Jak, K. Meitinger, N, Menold, B. Muthén, M. Rudnev, P. Schmidt and R. van de Schoot. Social Science Research 110.
- "Testing Schwartz's cultural value orientations in Europe with the European Social Survey (2023). Dülmer, H., S. Schwartz, J, Cieciuch, E. Davidov and P. Schmidt. Survey Research Methods 17(4), 447-463.
- "Religious involvement across Europe: Examining its measurement comparability" (2023). Remizova, A., E. Davidov and M. Rudnev. Survey Research Methods 17(1), 51-62.
- "Twitter users' privacy behavior: A reasoned action approach" (2022). Schmidt, P., G. Gordini, I. Ajzen, H. Steinmetz, E. Davidov, C. Beuthner, H. Silber and B. Weiß. New Media and Society 8(3).
- "Vaccination against COVID-19 reduces virus-related fears. Findings from a German longitudinal study" (2022). Seddig, D., D. Maskileyson and E. Davidov. Frontiers in Public Health 10.
- "Why measurement invariance is important in comparative research. A response to Welzel et al." (2021)(2022). Meuleman, B., T. Żółtak, A. Pokropek, E. Davidov, B. Muthén, D. Oberski, J. Billiet and P. Schmidt. Sociological Methods and Research.
- "Values and attitudes towards immigrants among school children in Switzerland and Poland" (2022). Becker, C., E. Davidov, J. Cieciuch, R. Algesheimer and M. Kindschi. Race and Social Problems 14, 308-325..
- "Correlates of COVID-19 vaccination intentions: Attitudes, institutional trust, fear, conspiracy beliefs, and skepticism toward vaccines" (2022). Seddig, D., D. Maskileyson, E. Davidov, I. Ajzen and P. Schmidt. Social Science and Medicine (302), 114981.
- "Ethnic majority attitudes towards Jewish and non-Jewish migrants in Israel: The role of threat, vulnerability and human values" (2022). Raijman, R., O. Hochman and E. Davidov. Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies 20(1), 17-32.
- "Analyzing factorial survey data with Structural Equation Models" (2021). Weijters, B., E. Davidov and H. Baumgartner. Sociological Methods and Research 52(4).
- "The EURO-D measure of depressive symptoms in the aging population: Comparability across European countries and Israel" (2021). Maskileyson, D., D. Seddig and E. Davidov. Frontiers in Political Science, 3.
- "Latent profile analysis of human values: What is the optimal number of clusters?" (2021). Schmidt, M.N., D. Seddig, E. Davidov, M. Mørup, K.J. Albers, J.M. Bauer and F. Kano Glückstad. Methodology 17(2), 127-148.
- "The comparability of perceived physical and mental health measures across immigrants and natives in the United States" (2021). Maskileyson, D., D. Seddig and E. Davidov. Demography 58(4), 1423-1443.
- "Explaining voting intentions in referendums on EU membership: A basic human values theory approach" (2021). Dennison, J., D. Seddig and E. Davidov. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 52(4):372-387.
- "Ethnic majority attitudes towards Jewish and non-Jewish migrants in Israel: The role of threat, vulnerability and human values“ (2021). Raijman, R., O. Hochman and E. Davidov. Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies 19(4), 407-421.
- "Economic integration of first- and second-generation immigrants in the Swiss labor market: Does the reason for immigration make a difference?" (2021). Maskileyson, D., M. Semyonov and E. Davidov. Population, Space and Place 27(6), e2426.
- "Measuring school children’s attitudes toward immigrants in Switzerland and Poland" (2020). Becker, C.C., E. Davidov, J. Cieciuch, R. Algesheimer and M. Kindschi. Measurement Instruments for the Social Sciences 2,9.
- "Explaining voting in the UK’s 2016 EU referendum: Values, attitudes toward immigration, European identity and trust in politicians“ (2020). Dennison, J., E. Davidov and D. Seddig. Social Science Research 92.
- "The comparability of measures in the ageism module of the fourth round of the European Social Survey", 2008-2009 (2020). Seddig, D., D. Maskileyson and E. Davidov. Survey Research Methods. 14(4), 351-364.
- "A categorization of behaviors reported in experience sampling studies" (2020). Skimina, E., D. Karaś, E. Topolewska-Siedzik, M. Kłym-Guba, K. Ponikiewska, R. Rogoza, E. Davidov and J. Cieciuch. Social Psychology Bulletin 15(2), 1-33.
- "Choosing priors in Bayesian measurement invariance modeling: A Monte Carlo simulation study" (2020). Pokropek, A., P. Schmidt and E. Davidov. Structural Equation Modeling, 27(5), 750-764.
- "Direct and indirect predictors of opposition to immigration in Europe: Individual values, cultural values, and symbolic threat" (2020). Davidov, E., D. Seddig, A. Gorodzeisky, R. Raijman, P. Schmidt and M. Semyonov. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 46(3), 553-573.
- "Economic conditions, group relative deprivation and ethnic threat perceptions: a cross-national perspective" (2020). Meuleman, B., A. Koenraad, P. Schmidt, T.F. Pettigrew and E. Davidov. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 46(3), 593-611.
- "What factors explain anti-Muslim prejudice? An assessment of Muslim population size, institutional characteristics and immigration-related media claims" (2020). Schlueter, E., A. Masso and E. Davidov. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 46(3), 649-664.
- "Contested terrain: explaining divergent patterns of public opinion towards immigration within Europe" (2020). Heath, A., E. Davidov, R. Ford, E.G.T. Green, A. Ramos and P. Schmidt. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 46(3), 475-488.
- "Stability and change of basic personal values in early adolescence: A 2-year longitudinal study" (2020). Vecchione, M., S. Schwartz, E. Davidov, J. Cieciuch, G. Alessandri and G. Marsicano. Journal of Personality, 88(3), 447-463.
- "In search of the healthy immigrant effect in four West European countries" (2019). Maskileyson, D., M. Semyonov and E. Davidov. Social Inclusion, 7(4), 304-319.
- "Values in adolescent friendship networks" (2019). Kindschi, M., J. Cieciuch, E. Davidov, A. Ehlert, H. Rauhut, C. Tessone and R. Algesheimer. Network Science, 7(4), 498-522.
- "A Monte Carlo simulation study to assess the appropriateness of traditional and newer approaches to test for measurement invariance" (2019). Pokropek, A., E. Davidov and P. Schmidt. Structural Equation Modeling, 26(5), 724-744.
- "How to obtain comparable measures for cross-national comparisons" (2019). Cieciuch, J., E. Davidov, P. Schmidt and R. Algesheimer. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 71, 157-186.
- "Behavioral signatures of values in everyday behavior in retrospective and real-time self-reports" (2019). Skimina, E., J. Cieciuch, S.H. Schwartz, E. Davidov and R. Algesheimer. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 281.
- "Testing the circular structure and importance hierarchy of value states in real-time behaviors" (2018). Skimina, E., J. Cieciuch, S.H. Schwartz, E. Davidov and R. Algesheimer. Journal of Research in Personality, 74, 42-49.
- "Testing for approximate measurement invariance of human values in the European Social Survey" (2018). Cieciuch, J., E. Davidov, R. Algesheimer and P. Schmidt. Sociological Methods & Research, 47(4), 665-686.
- "Explaining measurement nonequivalence using multilevel structural equation modeling: The case of attitudes toward citizenship rights" (2018). Davidov, E., J. Cieciuch, H. Dülmer, D. Seddig, A. Kuntz and P. Schmidt. Sociological Methods & Research, 47(4), 729-760.
- "Values, attitudes toward interpersonal violence, and interpersonal violent behavior" (2018). Seddig, D. and E. Davidov. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 604.
- "Modeling multiple-country repeated cross-sections: A societal growth curve model for studying the effect of the economic crisis on perceived ethnic threat" (2018). Meuleman, B., E. Davidov and J. Billiet. methods, data, analyses, 12(2), 185-210.
- "The cross-country measurement comparability in the immigration module of the European Social Survey 2014-15" (2018). Davidov, E., J. Cieciuch and P. Schmidt. Survey Research Methods, 12(1), 15-27.
- "Testing measurement invariance for a second-order factor: A cross-national test of the alienation scale" (2018). Rudnev, M., E. Lytkina, E. Davidov, P. Schmidt and A. Zick. methods, data, analyses, 12(1), 47-76.
- "Is extreme response style domain-specific? Findings from a replication study among students in three samples" (2017). Cabooter, E., A. De Beuckelaer, B. Weijters and E. Davidov. Quality & Quantity, 51(6), 2605-2622.
- "Host or hostile? Attitudes towards asylum seekers in Israel and in Denmark" (2017). Hercowitz-Amir, A., R. Raijman and E. Davidov. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 58(5), 416-439.
- "The dynamic relations between economic conditions and anti-immigrant sentiment: A natural experiment in times of the European economic crisis" (2017). Kuntz, A., E. Davidov and M. Semyonov. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 58(5), 392-415.
- "A comparative perspective on mothers’ ethnic homophily in German and Israeli minority groups" (2016). Titzmann, P. F., O. J. Serwata, R. K. Silbereisen and E. Davidov. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 47(8), 1076-1096.
- "Universalism, conservation and attitudes toward minority groups" (2016). Beierlein, C., A. Kuntz and E. Davidov. Social Science Research, 58, 68-79.
- "Testing for measurement invariance by detecting local misspecification and an illustration on value measurements" (2015). Cieciuch, J., E. Davidov, D. L. Oberski and R. Algesheimer. European Political Science, 14(4), 521-538.
- "Establishing measurement invariance across online and offline samples. A tutorial with the software packages Amos and Mplus" (2015). Cieciuch, J. and E. Davidov. Studia Psychologica, 15(2), 83-99.
- "The comparability of attitudes toward immigration in the European Social Survey: Exact versus approximate equivalence" (2015). Davidov, E., J. Cieciuch, P. Schmidt, B. Meuleman, R. Algesheimer and M. Hausherr. Public Opinion Quarterly,79, 244-266.
- "Meetequivalentie in internationaal vergelijkend onderzoek [Measurement invariance in international comparative research]" (2015). Meuleman, B., E. Davidov, J. Cieciuch,J. Billiet and P. Schmidt. Tijdschrift voor Sociolgie, 35, 261-281.
- "The comparability of the universalism value over time and across countries in the European Social Survey: Exact versus approximate measurement equivalence" (2015). Zercher, F., P. Schmidt, J. Cieciuch and E. Davidov. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 733.
- "The stability and change of value structure and priorities in childhood: A longitudinal study" (2015). Cieciuch, J., E. Davidov and R. Algesheimer. Social Development, 25(3), 503-527.
- "Human values, legal regulation, and approval of homosexuality in European countries: A cross-country comparison" (2015). Kuntz, A., E. Davidov, S. H. Schwartz and P. Schmidt. European Journal of Social Psychology, 45, 120-134.
-"Does survey respondents' immigration background affect the measurement and prediction of immigration attitudes? An Illustration in Two Steps (2015). Sarrasin, O., E.G.T. Green, N. Fasel and E. Davidov. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 27(2), 264-276.
- "Comparing results of an exact versus an approximate (Bayesian) measurement invariance test: A cross-country illustration with a scale to measure 19 human values" (2014). Cieciuch, J., E. Davidov, P. Schmidt, R. Algesheimer and S. H. Schwartz. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 982.
- "The Cross-National Invariance Properties of a New Scale to Measure 19 Basic Human Values: A Test Across Eight Countries" (2014). Cieciuch, J., E. Davidov, M. Vecchione, C. Beierlein and S. H. Schwartz. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 45(5), 764-776.
- "A Hierarchical Structure of Basic Human Values in a Third-Order Confirmatory Factor Analysis" (2014). Cieciuch, J., E. Davidov, M. Vecchione and S. H. Schwartz. Swiss Journal of Psychology, 73(3), 177-182.
- "Measurement Equivalence in Cross-National Research" (2014). Davidov, E., B. Meuleman, J. Cieciuch, P. Schmidt and J. Billiet. Annual Review of Sociology, 40, 55-75.
- "Individual values, cultural embeddedness, and anti-immigration sentiments: Explaining differences in the effect of values on attitudes toward immigration across Europe" (2014). Davidov, E., B. Meuleman, S. H. Schwartz and P. Schmidt. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 66(S1), 263-285 (edited by Friedrichs, J. and A. Nonnenmacher).
- "Relations between Second Language Proficiency and National Identification: The Case of Immigrants in Germany " (2014). Hochman, O.and E. Davidov. European Sociological Review, 30(3), 344-359.
- "Evaluating measurement invariance for social and political trust in western europe over four measurement time points (2002 - 2008)" (2013). Coromina, L., E. Davidov. ASK: Research & Methods, 22(1), 35-52.
- "Immigrant integration policies and perceived group threat: A multilevel study of 27 Western and Eastern European Countries" (2013). Schlueter, E., B. Meuleman and E. Davidov. Social Science Research, 42, 670-682.
- "Contextual sources of perceived group threat: Negative immigration-related news reports, immigrant group size and their interaction, Spain 1996-2007" (2013). Schlueter, E. and E. Davidov. European Sociological Review (ESR), 29, 179-191.
- "Measurement equivalence across subnational groups: An analysis of the conception of nationhood in Switzerland" (2013). Sarrasin, O., E. G. T. Green, A. Berchtold and E. Davidov. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 25, 522-534.
- "Refining the theory of basic individual values" (2012). Schwartz, S. H, J. Cieciuch, M. Vecchione, E. Davidov, R. Fischer, C. Beierlein, A. Ramos, M. Verkasalo, J.-E. Lönnqvist, K. Demirutku, Ö. Dirilen-Gumus and M. Konty. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 103(4), 663-688.
- "An SEM approach to continuous time modeling of panel data: Relating authoritarianism and anomia" (2012). Voelkle, M., J. Oud, E. Davidov and P. Schmidt. Psychological Methods, 17(2), 176-192.
- אידיאליזציה של חיי נישואין, עומס הטיפול, ושביעות רצון מהחיים בקרב בני זוג של חולי אלצהיימר [Marital idealization, caregiver burden, and life satisfaction among spouses of persons with Alzheimer disease] (2012). O'Rourke, N.; Gomez, Y.; Davidov, E. Gerontology and Geriatrics, 39(1-2):91-110 (Hebrew).
- "Using a multilevel structural equation modeling approach to explain cross-cultural measurement noninvariance" (2012). Davidov, E., H. Dülmer, E. Schlüter, P. Schmidt, B. Meuleman. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 43(4), 558-575.
- "Introduction to the Special Issue on the Theory of Human Values" (2012). Davidov, E., P. Schmidt and S. Schwartz. Survey Research Methods, 6(1), 1-2.
- "Testing the discriminant validity of Schwartz' Portrait Value Questionnaire items – A replication and extension of Knoppen and Saris" (2012). Beierlein, Constanze; Davidov, Eldad; Schmidt, Peter; Schwartz, Shalom; Rammstedt, Beatrice. Survey Research Methods, 6(1):25-36.
- "A comparison of the invariance properties of the PVQ-40 and the PVQ-21 to measure human values across German and Polish Samples" (2012). Cieciuch, J. and E. Davidov. Survey Research Methods, 6(1), 37-48.
- "On the optimal number of scale points in graded paired comparisons" (2012). De Beuckelaer, A., S. Toonen and E. Davidov. Quality and Quantity, 47(5), 2869-2882.
- "Explaining attitudes towards immigration policies in European countries: The role of human values" (2012). Davidov, E. and B. Meuleman. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 38(5), 757-775.
- "Assessment of measurement equivalence with cross-national and longitudinal surveys in political science" (2012). Ariely, G. and E. Davidov. European Political Science, 11(3), 363-377.
- "Transition to Homeownership Among Immigrant Groups and Natives in West Germany, 1984–2008" (2011). Davidov, E. and S. Weick. Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, 9(4), 393-415.
- "Level and change of group-focused enmity in Germany: Unconditional and conditional latent growth curve models with four panel waves" (2011). Davidov, E., S. Thörner, P. Schmidt, S. Gosen and C. Wolf. Advances in Statistical Analysis, 95, 81-100.
- "Three approaches to estimate latent interaction effects: Intention and perceived behavioral control in the theory of planned behavior " (2011). Steinmetz, H., E. Davidov and P. Schmidt. Methodological Innovations Online, 6(1), 95-110.
- "Basic personal values and the meaning of left-right political orientations in 20 countries" (2011). Piurko, Y., S. Schwartz and E. Davidov. Political Psychology, 32(4), 537-561.
- "Testing for measurement equivalence of human values across online and paper-and-pencil surveys " (2011). Davidov, E. and F. Depner. Quality and Quantity, 45(2), 375-390.
- "Can we rate public support for democracy in a comparable way? Cross-national equivalence of democratic attitudes in the World Value Survey" (2011). Ariely, G. and E. Davidov. Social Indicators Research, 104(2), 271-286.
- "Nationalism and constructive patriotism: A longitudinal test of comparability in 22 countries with the ISSP" (2011). Davidov, E. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 23(1), 88-103.
2008 - 2010
- "How harmful are survey translations? A test with Schwartz's human values instrument" (2010). Davidov, E. and A. de Beuckelaer. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 22(4), 485-510.
- "Testing for comparability of human values across countries and time with the third round of the European Social Survey" (2010). Davidov, E. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 51, 171-191.
- "Measurement equivalence of nationalism and constructive patriotism in the ISSP: 34 Countries in a comparative perspective" (2009). Davidov, E. Political Analysis, 17, 64-82.
- "Changing attitudes toward immigration in Europe, 2002-2007. A dynamic group conflict theory approach" (2009). Meuleman, B., E. Davidov, J. Billiet. Social Science Research, 38, 352-365.
- "Diabetic retinopathy and health-related quality of life" (2009). Davidov, E., L. Breitscheidel, J. Clouth, M. Reips and M. Happich. Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 247(2), 267-272.
- "Mortality communication as a predictor of psychological distress among family caregivers of home hospice and hospital inpatients with terminal cancer" (2009). Bachner, Y. G., N. Rourke, E. Davidov, S. Carmel. Aging and Mental Health, 13(1), 54-63.
- "Values and Support for Immigration: A Cross-Country Comparison" (2008). Davidov, E., B. Meuleman, J. Billiet and P. Schmidt. European Sociological Review, 24(5), 583-599.
- "Testing the stability of an acquiescence style factor behind two interrelated substantive variables in a panel design" (2008). Billiet, J. and E. Davidov. Sociological Methods & Research, 36(4), 542-562.
- "Bringing values back in: The adequacy of the European Social Survey to measure values in 20 countries" (2008). Davidov, E., P. Schmidt and S. Schwartz. Public Opinion Quarterly, 72(3), 420-445.
- "Social Structural Effects on the Level and Development of the Individual Experience of Anomie in the German Population" (2008). Legge, S., E. Davidov and P. Schmidt. International Journal of Conflict and Violence, 2(2), 248-267.
- "Caregivers' communication with patients about illness and death - Initial validation of a scale" (2008). Bachner, Y. G., E. Davidov and S. Carmel. Omega - The Journal of Death and Dying, 57(4), 381-397.
- "The syndrome of group-focused enmity: The interrelation of prejudices tested with multiple cross-sectional and panel data" (2008). Zick, A., C. Wolf, B. Küpper, Beate, E. Davidov, P. Schmidt and W. Heitmeyer. Journal of Social Issues, 64(2), 363-383.
- "A cross-country and cross-time comparison of the human values measurements with the second round of the European Social Survey" (2008). Davidov, E. Survey Research Methods, 2(1), 33-46.
- "What does a nation owe non-citizens? National attachments, perception of threat and attitudes towards granting citizenship rights in a comparative perspective" (2008). Raijman, R., E. Davidov, P. Schmidt and O. Hochman. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 49(2-3), 195-220.
2003 - 2007
- "Die Messung von Werten mit dem "Portraits Value Questionnaire" (The measurement of values with the "Portraits Value Questionnaire")" (2007). Schmidt, P., S. Bamberg, E. Davidov, J. Herrmann and S. Schwartz. Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie, 38(4), 249-263.
- "Explaining habits in a new context: The case of travel-mode choice" (2007). Davidov, E. Rationality and Society, 19(3), 315-334.
- "Does money matter? A theory-driven growth mixture model to explain travel-mode choice with experimental data" (2006). Davidov, E., K. Yang-Hansen, J.-E. Gustafsson, P. Schmidt and S. Bamberg. Methodology: European Journal of Research Methods for the Behavioral and Social Sciences, 2(3), 124-134.
- "Is there any interaction effect between intention and perceived behavioural control?" (2004). Yang-Wallentin, F., P. Schmidt, E. Davidov and S. Bamberg. Methods of Psychological Research Online, 8, 127-157.
- "Time and money: An empirical explanation of behaviour in the context of travel-mode choice with the German microcensus" (2003). Davidov, E., P. Schmidt and S. Bamberg. European Sociological Review, 19, 267-280.
- "Period and duration effects on the value of housing among immigrants" (2003). Semyonov, M., N. Lewin-Epstein and E. Davidov. Social Science Research, 32, 2-24.
2. Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters or Other Peer-Reviewed Publications
- "Democratic Attitudes Measures: Cross-national Equivalences" (2024). Ariely, G. and E. Davidov. In: Maggino, F. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research (pp. 1710-1713). Rom: Springer Cham.
- "Examining cross-cultural value questionnaires with quantitative methods: Reliability and scalar equivalence of measurement instruments of human values in Germany and Japan" (2023). Jagodzinski, W., K. Manabe, H. Duelmer, C. Hommerich and E. Davidov. In Okada, A. Shigemasu, K., Yoshino, R., Yokoyama, S. (eds.) Facets of Behaviormetrics. The 50th Anniversary of the Behaviormetrics Society 4, 99-121.
- "Threats, prejudice and opposition to immigration" (2023). Gorodzeisky, A., M. Semyonov, E. Davidov and P. Schmidt. In Hochman, O. (Ed.), Immigration and Integration in Israel and beyond (pp. 193-217). Bielefeld: transcript Verlag.
-"Longitudinal measurement (non-)invariance in latent constructs: Conceptual insights, model specifications and testing strategies" (2021). Leitgöb, H., D. Seddig, P. Schmidt, E. Sosu and E. Davidov. In: Cernat, A. and J. W. Sakshaug (Eds.), Measurement error in longitudinal data (ch. 10, pp. 211-257). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- "Measurement invariance analysis using multiple group confirmatory factor analysis and alignment optimisation" (2019). Davidov, E. and B. Meuleman. In: van de Vijver, F.J.R., F. Avvisati, E. Davidov, M. Eid, J.-P. Fox, N. Ledonne, K. Lek, B. Meuleman, M. Paccagnella and R. van de Schoot (Eds.), Invariance Analyses in Large-Scale Studies, OECD Education Working Papers, No. 201 (pp. 15-22). Paris: OECD.
- "Skalen und Indizes" (2019). Latcheva, R. and E. Davidov. In: Baur, N. and J. Blasius (Eds.), Handbuch Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung, second edition (pp. 893-905). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag.
- "Approximate measurement invariance" (2019). Lek, K., D. Oberski, E. Davidov, J. Cieciuch, D. Seddig and P. Schmidt. In: Johnson, T. P., B.-E. Pennell, I.A.L. Stoop and B. Dorer (Eds.), Advances in Comparative Survey Methods: Multinational, Multiregional and Multicultural Contexts (3MC) (pp. 911-930). New Jersey: Wiley.
- "Testing the invariance of values in the Benelux countries with the European Social Survey: Accounting for ordinality" (2018). Davidov, E., G. Daler, P. Schmidt and S. H. Schwartz. In: Davidov, E., P. Schmidt and J. Billiet (EDS.), Cross-cultural analysis: Methods and applications, second edition (pp. 157-179). NY: Routledge.
- "The relation between ethnic threat and economic insecurity in times of economic crisis: Analyzing data from the European Social Survey" (2018). Billiet, J., B. Meuleman and E. Davidov. In: Sztabiński, F., H. Domański and P.B. Sztabiński (Eds.), New Uncertainties and Anxieties in Europe. Seven Waves of European Social Survery (pp. 17-34). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
- "Alignment optimization: Estimation of the most trustworthy means in cross-cultural studies even in the presence of noninvariance" (2018). Cieciuch, J., E. Davidov and P. Schmidt. In: Davidov, E., P. Schmidt, J. Billiet and B. Meuleman (Eds.), Cross-cultural analysis: Methods and applications (2nd ed.) (pp 571-592). New York: Routledge.
- "The assessment of cross-cultural comparability" (2016). Cieciuch, J., E. Davidov, P. Schmidt and R. Algesheimer. In: Wolf, C., D. Joye, T. W. Smith and Y.-C. Fu (Eds.), The Sage Handbook in Survey Methodology (pp 630-648). New York: Sage.
- "Some methodological challenges of cross-national social research: conceptual and measurement validity" (2015). Billiet, J., B. Meuleman and E. Davidov. In: Sztabinski, P. B., H. Domanski and F. Sztabinski (Eds.), Hopes and anxieties in Europe. Six waves of the European Social Survey (pp 99-120). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
- "Attitudes towards immigration and their antecedents (ESS7 Rotating Modules)" (2014). Heath, A., P. Schmidt, E. Green, A. Ramos, E. Davidov and R. Ford. Retrieved from
- "Skalen und Indizes" (2014). Latcheva, R. and E. Davidov. In: Baur, N. and J. Blasius (Eds.), Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung, (pp. 745-756). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag.
- "Social location and value priorities. A European-wide comparison of the relation between socio-demographic variables and human values" (2012). Meulemann, B., E. Davidov, P. Schmidt and J. Billiet. In: Gabriel, O. and S.I. Keil (Eds.), Society and democracy in Europe (pp 45-67). London: Routledge.
- "Introduction" (2012). Salzborn, S., E. Davidov and J. Reinecke. In: Salzborn, S., E. Davidov and J. Reinecke (Eds.). Methods, Theories, and Empirical Applications in the Social Sciences: A festschrift for Peter Schmidt (pp 9-10). Wiesbaden : Springer VS.
- "What do citizens expect from a democracy? An invariance test and comparison between East and West Germany with the ISSP 2004" (2012). Davidov, E. amd M. Braun. In: Salzborn, S., E. Davidov and J. Reinecke (Eds.), Methods, theories, and empirical applications in the Social Sciences: A festschrift for Peter Schmidt (pp 213-219). Wiesbaden : Springer VS.
- "‘Ten years after’ – Relations between authoritarianism and ethnocentrism, outgroup devaluation and ingroup favoritism in Germany, 1996 and 2006" (2012). Heyder, A., E. Davidov and P. Schmidt. In: Salzborn, S., E. Davidov and J. Reinecke (Eds.), Methods, theories, and empirical applications in the Social Sciences: A festschrift for Peter Schmidt (pp 175-183). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
- "Preface" (2011). Davidov, E., J. and P. Schmidt. In: Davidov, E., P. Schmidt and J. Billiet (Eds.). Cross-Cultural Analysis: Methods and applications (pp. ix-xx). New York : Routledge.
- "Testing the invariance of values in the Benelux countries with the European Social Survey: Accounting for ordinality" (2010). Davidov, E., G. Datler, P. Schmidt and S. H. Schwartz. In: Davidov, E., P. Schmidt and J. Billiet (Eds.), Cross-Cultural Analysis: Methods and applications (pp 149-168). New York : Routledge.
- "Comparing basic human values in East and West Germany" (2010). Davidov, E. and P. Siegers. In: Beckers, T., K. Birkenbach, J. Hagenah and U. Rosar (Eds.). Komparative empirische Sozialforschung (pp 43-63). Wiesbaden : VS Verlag.
- "Wie gut erklären "enge" oder "weite" Rational-Choice-Version Verhaltensveränderungen? Ergebnisse einer experimentellen Interventionssstudie" (2008). Bamberg, S., E. Davidov and P. Schmidt. In: Diekmann, A., K. Eichner, P. Schmidt and T. Voss (Eds.). Rational Choice: Theoretische Analysen und empirische Resultate, Festschrift für K.-D. Opp zum 70. Geburtstag (pp 143-169). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
- "Are values in the Benelux countries comparable? Testing for equivalence with the European Social Survey" (2007). Davidov, E. and P. Schmidt. In: Loosveldt, G., M. Swyngedouw and B. Cambré (Eds.). Measuring Meaningful Data in Social Research (pp 373-386). Leuven : Acco.
- "Applying autoregressive cross-lagged and latent growth models to a three-wave panel study" (2007). Schlüter, E., E. Davidov and P. Schmidt. In: van Montfort, K., H. Oud and A. Satorra (Eds.), Longitudinal models in the behavioral and related sciences (pp 315-336). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Publishers, EAM Book Series.
- "Modelling longitudinal data of an intervention study on travel model choice: Combining latent growth curves and autoregressive models" (2004). Davidov, E., P. Schmidt and S. Bamberg. In: van Montfort, K., H. Oud and A. Satorra (Eds.), Recent developments in structural equation modeling: Theory and application (pp 263-293). Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
3. Other Publications
- " Values" (2023). Cieciuch, J. and E. Davidov. In Grasso, M. and M. Guigani (Eds.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Political Sociology (ch. 158, pp. 618-622). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Puglishing. DOI: 10.4337/9781803921235
- "Cross-National Comparisons of Human Values Based on the Conceptual Framework of S. Schwartz ( II ): The International Student Surveys in Germany and Japan" (2020). Manabe, K., W. Jagodzinski, E. Davidov, H. Dülmer and C. Hommerich. School of Sociology and Social Work Journal 135, 1-20 (in Japanese).
- "Cross-National Comparisons of Human Values Based on the Conceptual Framework of S. Schwartz: The international Student Surveys in Germany and Japan" (2020). Manabe, K., W. Jagodzinski, E. Davidov, H. Dülmer and C. Hommerich. School of Sociology and Social Work Journal 133, 87-107 (in Japanese).
- "Measurement invariance: Testing for it and explaining why it is absent" (2020). Meitinger, K., E. Davidov, P. Schmidt and M. Braun. Survey Research Methods. 14(4), 345-349. DOI: 10.18148/srm/2020.v14i4.7655
- "Immigration from the immigrants’ perspective: Analyzing survey data collected among immigrants and host society members" (2019). Ramos, A., E. Davidov, P. Schmidt, M. Rosales and D. Maskileyson. Social Inclusion 7(4), 253-256. DOI: 10.17645/si.v7i4.2695
- "Invariance analyses in large-scale studies" (2019). Van de Vijver, F.J.R., F. Avvisati, E. Davidov, M. Eid, J.-P. Fox, N. Ledonne, K. Lek, B. Meuleman, M. Paccagnella and R. van de Schoot (Eds.). OECD Education Working Papers, No. 201. Paris: OECD. DOI:10.1787/254738dd-en
- "Measurement invariance analysis using multiple group confirmatory factor analysis and Alignment optimisation" (2019). Davidov, E. and B. Meuleman. In Van de Vijver, F.J.R., F. Avvisati, E. Davidov, M. Eid, J.-P. Fox, N. Ledonne, K. Lek, B. Meuleman, M. Paccagnella and R. van de Schoot (Eds.), Invariance Analyses in Large-Scale Studies, OECD Education Working Papers, No. 201 (pp. 15-22). Paris: OECD. DOI:10.1787/254738dd-en
- "Measurement invariance in cross-national studies: Challenging traditional approaches and evaluating new ones. Introduction to the special issue" (2018). Davidov, E., B. Muthén and P. Schmidt. Sociological Methods & Research 47(4), 631-636. DOI: 10.1177/0049124118789708
- "Editorial. Comparative survey analysis - models, techniques and applications" (2018b). Meuleman, B., E. Davidov and D. Seddig. methods, data, analyses 12(2) 181-184.
- "Editorial. A special issue on the topic comparative survey analysis: Comparability and equivalence of measures" (2018a). Meuleman, B., E. Davidov and D. Seddig. methods, data, analyses 12(1), 3-6.
- "Attitudes toward immigrants in European societies" (2017). Davidov, E. and M. Semyonov. International Journal of Comparative Sociology (58)5, 359-366.
- "Social Psychology of Values" (2015). Cieciuch, J, S. H. Schwartz and E. Davidov. In Wright, J. D. (Ed.), International encyclopedia of the social and behavioral sciences, second edition. Oxford: Elsevier, 41-46.
- "German Version of the Portrait Values Questionnaire, Revision 3 (PVQ-R3)" (2013). Beierlein, C., E. Davidov, D. Behr, J. Cieciuch, Z. László, R. Latcheva, S. Stieger, B. Rammstedt, and S. H. Schwartz.
- "Democratic attitudes measures: Cross-national equivalences" (2014). Ariely, Gal; Davidov, Eldad. Michalos, Alex C (ed.). Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research. Dordrecht : Springer, 1543-1546. ISBN: 978-94-007-0752-8; 978-94-007-0754-2; 978-94-007-0753-5.
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- "A brief introduction to the Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) module in Stata 12" (2012). Davidov, Eldad. Political Methodologist, 20(1):5-7.
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- "Testing the stability of an acquiescence style factor behind two interrelated substantive variables in a panel design" (2007). Billiet, J.; Davidov, E., Working paper CeSO, (CeSO/SM/2006-4). Leuven: K.U.Leuven, Centrum voor Sociologisch Onderzoek (CeSO).
- "Review of books on latent growth modeling using structural equation modeling" (2005). Davidov, E. ZA Information, 57:153-160.
- "PMH33 Structural Equation Modelling of schizophrenia early retirement in Germany" (2006). Clouth. J.; Eichmann, F.; Davidov, E. Value in Health, 9(6):A319-A320.
- Travel mode choice as a rational choice – Different aspects (2004). Davidov, E. (Ph.D. Dissertation; electron. publ.:
- "Bridge assumptions" (2003). Davidov, E.; Schmidt, P. AGORA newsletter.
4. Organized Sessions and Papers Presented at Sessions, Conferences or Other Meetings
4a. Organized Sessions, Conferences or Other Meetings
• Migration dynamics: Attitudes and integration in diverse societies, at the 30th International Conference of Europeanists, Lyon, July 2024.
• Session organizer on Contemporary issues in measurement invariance research, at the 10th ESRA conference, Milan, July 2023.
• Session organizer on Basic Human Values, at the 10th ESRA conference, Milan, July 2023.
• Examining measurement comparability across groups: Techniques and applications, at the joint RC20 regional conference on comparative sociology and 2nd RC33 regional conference on social science methodology: Asia, Tokyo, Japan Women's University, September 2022.
• Individual differences in values and political individual/group behavior, at the European Conference of Psychology (ECP) 20, Universidad Europea de Madrid, July 2022.
• Member of the academic committee of the 6th Ruppin international conference on immigration and social integration. Ruppin academic center, Emek Hefer, May 2020. Cancelled due to the Corona virus pandemie.
• Session chair on Basic human values, at the 8th ESRA conference, Zagreb, July 2019
• Session chair on Contemporary issues in the assessment of measurement invariance, at the 8th ESRA conference, Zagreb, July 2019
• Member of the academic committee of the 5th Ruppin international conference on immigration and social integration, Ruppin academic center, Emek Hefer, May 2018
• Session chair on Measurement invariance: Testing for it and explaining why it is absent, 7th ESRA conference, Lisbon, July 2017
• Basic Human values session organizer, 7th ESRA conference, Lisbon, July 2017
• Session chair on Cross-national surveys: Challenges to achieve equivalent results, European Sociological Association RN21, Nicosia, October 2016
• Session chair on Methodological challenges and generalizations of the human values theory across cultures, 23rd international congress of the International Association of Cross Cultural Psychology, Nagoya, July-August 2016
• Session chair on traditional and new approaches to test for measurement invariance across groups, 3MC conference, Chicago, July 2016
• Session chair on attitudes to immigration in cross-national perspective, the 3rd European Social Survey conference, Lausanne, July 2016
• Member of the organization committee of the 4th Ruppin International Conference on Immigration and Social Integration, Ruppin Institute, Israel, May 2016
• Organizer of the Working Group Structural Equation Modeling Meeting, Zurich, April 2016
• Current Issues in Immigration Research with focus on European Societies, workshop organized together with Moshe Semyonov, Collegium Helveticum Zurich, May 2015
• Human values session, at the 6th ESRA conference, Reykjavik, July 2015
• Measurement invariance session, at the European Sociological Association (ESA), RN21 conference on "Modes, Measurement, Modelling: Achieving Equivalence in Quantitative Research", Mannheim, October 2014.
• Measurement invariance session, at the European Association of Methodology (EAM) conference, Utrecht, July 2014.
• Chair of the 5th ESRA conference, Ljubljana, July 2013.
• Organizer of the mini-conference on Measurement invariance: Methods, problems and further directions, Zurich, July 2011.
• Vice chair of the 4th ESRA conference, Lausanne, July 2011.
• Human values, at the 4th ESRA conference, Lausanne, July 2011.
• Testing for equivalence of theoretical concepts across cultures, ISA RC-33, Gothenburg, July 2010.
• Human values, at the 3rd ESRA conference, Warsaw, June/July 2009.
• Human values, at the QMSS2 meeting (European Science Foundation), Bolzano, June 2009.
• Testing for equivalence of concepts across cultures, at the ISA-RC33 conference, Naples, September 2008.
• Two sessions on national identity and attitudes toward immigrants in a comparative perspective, at the ISPP conference, Paris, July 2008.
• Human values, at the 2nd ESRA conference, Prague, June 2007.
4b. Presentations
• Measurement invariance: Past, present and future. Keynote presented at the Gemeinsame Herbsttagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS)-Sektion "Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung" und der Arbeitsgemeinschaft sozialwissenschaftlicher Institute (ASI): Methodische Voraussetzungen vergleichender Analysen: Total Comparability Error. Dresden, September 2023.
• Level and change of attitudes toward refugees in Germany between 2017 and 2021. Presented at the World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR) annual conference. Salzburg, September 2023.
• The stability and change of basic human values during times of crisis in Germany. Presented at the 21st International Society for Quality of Life Studies (ISQOLS) annual conference. Rotterdam, August 2023.
• Attitudes to immigration and refugees: The Round 12 repeat module. Presented at the 21st ESS ERIC National Coordinators' Forum Meeting. April 2023.
• Assessing measurement invariance: Can we make a dead-end road into a highway? Presented at the fourth annual Likert workshop, cross-cultural Psychology and survey research, University of Michigan (online). March, 2022.
• Attitudes toward immigrants in Israel and Europe. Presented at the retirement event of Rebeca Raijman, workshop on immigration and immigrants in Israel, University of Haifa, Israel (online), December 2021.
• Measuring basic human values - How and what for? Presented at the Wertemessung im ALLBUS Programm: Zwischen Tradition und Zukunft, GESIS (online), November 2021.
• Surveys' past, present and future. A podcast with Annette Scherpenzeel, Caroline Roberts and Eldad Davidov at the 9th ESRA Conference (online), July 2021.
• The influence of friends on children’s attitudes toward immigrants. Paper presented at the 6th Ruppin International Conference on Immigration and Social Integration, Ruppin Academic Center, Emek Hefer, Israel, May 2020. Cancelled due to the Corona virus pandemic.
• Attitudes toward ethnic and non-ethnic migrants in Israel: The role of vulnerability and human values. Paper presented at the 6th Ruppin International Conference on Immigration and Social Integration, Ruppin Academic Center, Emek Hefer, Israel, May 2020. Cancelled due to the Corona virus pandemie.
• The comparability of perceived physical and mental health measures across immigrants and natives in the United States. Paper presented at the 6th Ruppin International Conference on Immigration and Social Integration, Ruppin Academic Center, Emek Hefer, Israel, May 2020. Cancelled due to the Corona virus pandemic.
• Basic human values: Their measurement, comparability, change, antecedents and consequences. Paper presented at the Minerva Center on Intersectionality in Aging at the University of Haifa (an online presentation via Zoom due to the Corona virus pandemic).
• Justice attitudes and human values in Germany and Poland – in the context of global challenges. Conference of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences: Poland and its European context: Continuity and change, Warsaw, February 2020
• Measuring basic human values and studying their comparability and change from a sociological and psychological perspective. Research workshop of the ERC research group on exploring values in technology across methods and disciplines, Delft, November 2019
• Direct and indirect effects of values on attitudes and behavior. Research workshop of the Israel Science Foundation: Understanding personal values: Personality, context and culture, Jerusalem, May 2019
• Explaining negative sentiments toward immigrants: Country and individual-level explanations. University of Konstanz’ research alumni meeting movement and migration, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, September 2017
• Perceived Threat and Racial Prejudice: Sources of Opposition to Immigration in Five European Countries. European attitudes to immigration conference, British Academy for the humanities and social sciences, November 2016
• Keynote on measurement invariance. European Sociological Association RN21, Nicosia, October 2016
• Keynote on Measurement invariance. GESIS Summer School, Cologne, August 2016
• Bayesian approximate measurement invariance of human values in six rounds of the European Social Survey. International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology, Nagoya, July-August 2016
• The cross-country comparability of the immigration module in the European Social Survey 2014-15. 3MC conference, Chicago, July 2016
• TV use and attitudes toward immigration in Europe in a cross-country perspective. 3rd ESS Conference, Lausnne, July 2016
• Searching for the ‘Healthy Immigrant’ across European countries. Presented at the 23rd International Conference of Europeanists, Philadelphia, April 2016
• The immigration module in the 7th round of the European Social Survey and its research possibilities. Invited presentation at the meeting in the Polish Academy of Sciences on Poland and its European context: Continuity and Change, Warsaw, March 2016
• Value priorities and group-focused enmity. Paper presented at the European Congress of Psychology (ECP), Milan, July 2015.
• Values and attitudes towards gay and lesbians. Paper presented at the Amsterdam Research Center for Gender & Sexuality seminar, November 2014.
• Measurement equivalence in cross-national research. Paper presented at the MZES colloquium, University of Mannheim, Mannheim, November 2014.
• Approximate measurement invariance of human values in the European Social Survey. Jan Cieciuch, Eldad Davidov, Peter Schmidt and René Algesheimer. Paper presented at the European Sociological Association (ESA), RN21 conference on "Modes, Measurement, Modelling: Achieving Equivalence in Quantitative Research", Mannheim, October 2014.
• Using Alignment optimization in establishing measurement invariance. An illustration with the value scale across countries. Paper presented at the European Association of Methodology (EAM) conference, Utrecht, July 2014.
• Testing the equivalence of values in Europe with the new PVQ-RR scale. Paper presented at the World Congress of Sociology, Yokohama, July 2014.
• Values in comparisons. Paper presented at the School of Cultural and Creative Studies, Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo, July 2014.
• The Schwartz Values Short Scale (SVSS-4): An economical measurement tool for cross-cultural research (with C. Beierlein). Paper presented at the International Association for Cross-cultural Psychology (IACCP) conference, Reims, July 2014.
• Values and attitudes toward immigration. Invited keynoted speech at the University of Giessen, June, 2014.
• Changing attitudes towards immigration in times of economic crisis. A cross-national and over-time comparison. Paper presented at the 3rd Ruppin International Conference on Immigration and Social Integration, Ruppin Academic Center, Emek Hefer, Israel, May 2014.
• Comparing results of measurement invariance testing: Detecting local misspecification and approximate measurement invariance. An illustration with the new value scale across eight countries. Paper presented at the Meeting of the Working Group Structural Equation Modeling, Frankfurt, March 2014.
• Measurement invariance of a new scale to measure 19 human values across countries. Comparing results of continuous, categorical and Bayesian analysis. Paper presented at the 1st Southern European Conference on Survey Methodology (SESM), Barcelona, December 2013.
• Keynote speech at the conference ‘Values, crisis and democracy’, GESIS, Cologne, September 2013.
• Accounting for social desirability in the measurement of human values. Paper presented at the Structural Equation Modeling working group, University of Bielefeld, February 2013; and at GESIS, March 2013.
• Measurement invariance of a scale to measure 19 basic human values across eight countries: Comparing continuous and categorical multigroup confirmatory factor analysis. Paper presented at the research colloquium in Cologne, January 2013.
• When do values matter more? Explaining attitudes toward immigration. Paper presented at the international conference of ISA (RC31), Migration and well-Being: research frontiers, Tel Aviv, January 2013.
• Commentary on ‘Prejudice, Discrimination, and Threat’ on the topic of ‘Group-Focused Enmity’ at the conference ‘The future of intrasocietal conflict and violence research: An international outlook’, University of Bielefeld, November 2012.
• The measurement of human values with the European Social Survey. Presented at Tartu University, Estonia, October 2012.
• Measurement invariance. Presented at Tartu University, Estonia, October 2012.
• Discriminant validity in the measurement of values. Presented at the conference ‘validity, reliability and its ramifications for multivariate modeling in the social sciences’, Dresden, September 2012.
• Relations between cultural and emotional integration: The case of Germany. Paper presented at the 2nd Ruppin international conference on immigration and integration: New frontiers in research & policy making, Ruppin Academic Center, Israel, May 2012.
• Measurement equivalence across countries and over time: The case of nationalism and constructive patriotism in the ISSP 1995 and 2003. Paper presented at the QMSS2 workshop ‘Overtime Analysis in Comparative Research’, Vienna, April 2012.
• Testing for measurement invariance of the PVQ5X questionnaire in ten countries. Beierlein, C., J. Cieciuch, E. Davidov, S. Schwartz and M. Vecchione. Paper presented at the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP), Istanbul, June/July 2011.
• Evaluating the structure of 19 human values with confirmatory factor analysis. Cieciuch, J., E. Davidov, S. Schwartz, M. Vecchione and C. Beierlein. Paper presented at the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP), Istanbul, June/July 2011.
• Values in comparative research. Davidov, E. Paper presented at the Higher School of Economics (HSE) in Moscow, within the international scientific-educational laboratory of socio-cultural research summer school, June 2011.
• Using a multilevel structural equation modeling approach to explain cross-cultural measurement noninvariance. Davidov, E., H. Dülmer, E. Schlüter, P. Schmidt and B. Meuleman. Paper presented at the CSDI workshop in London, March 2011, at the research colloquium in Lausanne, FORS, April 2011, at the Methodology meeting of the American Sociological Association in Tilburg, May 2011, and at the mini-conference on measurement invariance: Methods, problems and further directions, Zurich, July 2011.
• Testing the equivalence of an instrument to assess Schwartz’ human values: How harmful are translations? Davidov, E. and A. de Beuckelaer. Paper presented at the 3rd ESRA conference, Warsaw, June/July 2009, at the CSDI conference, Lausanne, March 2010, at the ‘entrance lecture’ at the University of Zurich, March 2010, and at the research colloquium in Konstanz, Sociology, June 2010.
• Explaining noninvariance in the universalism value across 26 countries using multilevel analysis. Davidov, E., H. Dülmer, E. Schlüter and P. Schmidt. Paper presented at the 3rd ESRA conference, Warsaw, June/July 2009, and at the research colloquium in Bern, Sociology, November 2009.
• Religion and values from a comparative perspective. The relation between religious involvement and value priorities in 30 European countries. Meuleman, B., E. Davidov and B. Cambré. Paper presented at the 3rd ESRA conference, Warsaw, June/July 2009.
• Value orientations of Muslims in Europe. Davidov, E., P. Schmidt and S. H. Schwartz. Paper presented at the 3rd ESRA conference, Warsaw, June/July 2009.
• Negative media portrayals of immigrants give rise to majority members’ perceived group threat: A longitudinal analysis. Schlüter, E. and E. Davidov. Paper presented at the 3rd ESRA conference, Warsaw, June/July 2009 and at the DGS conference, Frankfurt, October 2010.
• Using latent growth modeling to explain level and change in group-focused enmity in Germany, 2002-2006. Paper presented at the Swiss Household Panel conference in Lausanne, June 2009, and at the statistical analysis of longitudinal/panel data structures arising from complex interdisciplinary questions workshop, Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZIF), Bielefeld University, April 2010.
• Explaining attitudes toward immigration policies in Europe, 2002-2007. Davidov, E. Paper presented at the research colloquium at the ETH, Zurich, May 2009.
• Comparing evolutions of attitudes toward immigration in Europe, 2002-2007. A dynamic approach of group threat theory. Meuleman, B., E. Davidov and J. Billiet. Paper presented at the 3MC conference, Berlin, June 2008, ISPP, Paris, July 2008, and ISA-RC33 conference, Naples, September, 2008.
• Testing for invariance of the human values across countries and over time with three rounds of the European Social Survey. Davidov, E. Paper presented at the Structural Equation Modeling working group, University of Duisburg-Essen, February 2008; the mini-conference on composite scores, ESADE Barcelona, February 2008; the mini-conference on survey quality, WZB Berlin, June 2008; 3MC conference, Berlin, June 2008, and at the QMSS2 meeting (European Science Foundation), Bolzano, June 2009.
• Values and support for immigration. A cross-country comparison. Davidov, E., B. Meuleman, J. Billiet and P. Schmidt. Paper presented at the 2nd ESRA conference, Prague, June 2007, and at the research colloquium, Mannheim University.
• A cross-country and cross-time comparison of the human values measurements with the second round of the European Social Survey. Davidov, E. Paper presented at the 2nd ESRA conference, Prague, June 2007, and at the research colloquium, Köln University, June 2007.
• Measurement equivalence of nationalism and patriotism in the ISSP 2003: 34 countries in comparative perspective. Davidov, E. Paper presented at the QMSS conference, European Science Foundation, Prague, June 2007; colloquium of Prof. P. Schmidt and Prof. D. Krebs, University of Giessen, February 2008; ISPP conference, Paris, July 2008.
• Testing the stability of an acquiescence style factor behind two interrelated substantive variables in a panel design. Billiet, J. and E. Davidov. Paper presented at the 2nd ESRA conference, Prague, June 2007.
• Values and attitudes towards immigrants: A comparison between Germany and Israel. Davidov, E. and P. Schmidt. Paper presented at the workshop ‘Immigration, public opinion and governmental policies’, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, March 2007.
• Stochastic differential equation models or autoregressive cross-lagged and latent growth curve models? Causal relations between anomia and authoritarianism in a three-wave panel-data in Germany. Voelkle, M., E. Davidov, P. Schmidt and H. Oud. Paper presented at the 1st ESRA conference, Barcelona, July 2005; ISA-RC33, Naples, September 2008; Panel-data conference, Lausanne, June 2009.
• An empirical comparison of two approaches to estimate interaction effects in structural equation models. Steinmetz, H., E. Davidov and P. Schmidt. Paper presented at the SMABS and 2nd EAM conference, Budapest, July 2006, and at the workshop of the AG Strukturgleichungsmodelle at Bielefeld University, March 2007.
• Friends, education or money? Effects of social-, human- and financial-capital on home-ownership inequality between immigrants and natives in Switzerland. Davidov, E. Paper presented at the RC-28 conference of the ISA, Nijmegen, May 2006; and at the Modelbildung und Simulation (model building and simulation) conference, Max-Planck Institute, Köln, March 2006.
• What does a nation owe to non-citizens? National attachments, perception of threat and attitudes towards granting citizenship rights in comparative perspective. Davidov, E., P. Schmidt, R. Raijman and O. Hochman. Paper presented at the RC-28 conference of the ISA, Nijmegen, May 2006.
• Housing and social capital in Germany and Switzerland. Davidov, E. Paper presented at the Modelbildung und Simulation (model building and simulation) conference, Max Planck Institute, Köln, March 2006.
• Group-related enmity in Germany. Theoretical conception and empirical results in 2002-2004. Paper presented at the conference on Group-Focused Enmity (GFE), Bielefeld, February 2006.
• Values in Europe: A multiple group comparison with 20 countries using the European social survey 2003. Davidov, E., P. Schmidt and S. Schwartz. Paper presented at the RC-33 conference, ISA, Amsterdam, August 2004; the RC-28 conference, ISA, Oslo, May 2005; the 1st ESRA conference, Barcelona, July 2005; SMABS - 2nd EAM conference, Budapest, July 2006.
• The dynamics of authoritarianism and anomia: Applying autoregressive cross-lagged and latent growth models to a three-wave panel study. Schlüter, E., E. Davidov and P. Schmidt. Paper presented at the RC-33 conference, ISA, Amsterdam, August 2004.
• Problems in cross-cultural comparison of values using the European Social Survey. Invited speach at the QMSS, European Science Foundation, Lugano, August 2004 and 2006.
• Modelling longitudinal data of an intervention study on travel model choice: Combining latent growth curves and autoregressive models. Davidov, E., P. Schmidt and S. Bamberg. Paper presented at the Modelbildung und Simulation (model building and simulation) conference, Max-Planck Institute for Demography, Rostock, October 2003.
• Time and money: An empirical explanation of behaviour in the context of travel-mode choice with the German microcensus. Davidov, E., P. Schmidt, P. and S. Bamberg. Paper presented at the Nutzerkonferenz: Forschung mit dem Mikrozensus, ZUMA, Mannheim, October 2003.
• Is there any interaction effect between intention and perceived behavioural control? F. Yang-Wallentin, P. Schmidt, E. Davidov and S. Bamberg. Paper presented at the SMABS conference, Tilburg, July 2002.
5. Books and Special Issues
• Article collection on measurement instruments in the European Social Survey (2022). Weber, W. K., T. Hanson and E. Davidov. Measurement Instruments for the Social Sciences.
• Special issue on measurement invariance: Testing for it and explaining why it is absent. (2020) Edited by Meitinger, K., E. Davidov, P. Schmidt and M. Braun. Survey Research Methods. 14(4), 345-349. DOI: 10.18148/srm/2020.v14i4.7655
• Special issue on immigration from the Migrants’ Perspective (2019). Edited by Ramos, A., E. Davidov, P. Schmidt, M.R. Villar and D. Maskileyson. Social Inclusion.
• Special issue on contested terrain: explaining divergent patterns of public opinion towards immigration within Europe (2019). Edited by Heath, A., E. Davidov, R. Ford, E. Green, A. Ramos and P. Schmidt. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.
• Special issue on explaining attitudes toward immigration: Findings from the immigration module in the European Social Survey 2014-15 (in progress). Edited by Heath, A., E. Davidov, R. Ford, E. Green, A. Ramos and P. Schmidt. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.
• Special issue on measurement invariance in cross-national studies (in press). Edited by Davidov, E., B. Muthén and P. Schmidt. Sociological Methods & Research.
• Special issue on comparative survey analysis: Models, techniques and applications (2018b). Edited by Meuleman, B., E. Davidov and D. Seddig. Methods, data, analyses 12(2), 179-333.
• Special issue on comparative survey analysis: Comparability and equivalence of measures (2018a). Edited by Meuleman, B., E. Davidov and D. Seddig. Methods, data, analyses 12(1), 3-176.
• Cross-cultural analysis: Methods and applications. Second edition (2018). Edited by Davidov, E., P. Schmidt, J. Billiet and B. Meuleman. NY: Routledge.
• Special issue on immigration and immigrants in European societies (2017). Edited by Semyonov, M. and E. Davidov. International Journal of Comparative Sociology.
• Methods, theories, and empirical applications in the social sciences: A Festschrift for Peter Schmidt (2012). Edited by Salzborn, S., E. Davidov and J. Reinecke. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
• Special issue on the theory of human values (2012). Edited by Davidov, E., P. Schmidt and S. H. Schwartz. Survey Research Methods.
• Cross-cultural analysis: Methods and applications (2011). Edited by Davidov, E., P. Schmidt and J. Billiet. NY: Routledge.