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Other activities/andere Aktivitäten

2024- Representative of the University of Cologne at the GESIS curatorium
07/2022- Chair of the Fritz Thyssen-Preis Jury
04/2021- Member of the advisory board of the Nationalen Diskriminierungs- und Rassismusmonitors (NaDiRa) at the Deutsches Zentrum für Integrationns- und Migrationsforschung (DeZIM)
2021- Editorial member of the journal Hagira
03/2021-07/2021 Scientific advisor for the German Israeli Foundation
09/2020-09/2022 Management Committee (MC) member of the EU COST Action CA19103 LGBTI+ Social and Economic (in)equalities
2019-2022 Consultantancy for the European Commission in the project “Science of values and identity in the political process”
04/2019-08/2021 Researcher at the Minerva Center on Intersectionality in Aging (MCIA) at the University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel
2019-2021 Director of the Institute of Sociology and Social Psychology, University of Cologne
2019 Chair of the research ethics committee at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, University of Cologne
2018- GESIS representative for the University of Cologne
2018- Member of the nominations committee for honorary and apl professorships at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, University of Cologne
2018- Member of the international advisory board of the International Journal of Japanese Sociology
2018-2022 Associate editor of Migration and Society, a specialty section within Frontiers in Sociology
2018- Associate editor of Measurement Instruments for the Social Sciences
2018-2022 Associate editor in the journal methods, data, analyses (mda)


Guest editor of a special issue on immigration from the migrants' perspective in the journal Social Inclusion


Associate editor in the journal Survey Research Methods

2017-2023 Editorial member in the journal Social Inclusion


Member of the research ethics committee at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, University of Cologne

2017-2019 Guest editor of a special issue on measurement invariance: Testing for it and explaining why it is absent in the journal Survey Research Methods
2017-2018 Guest editor of a special issue on Comparative survey analysis: Models, techniques and applications in the journal methods, data, analyses
2017-2018 Guest editor of a special issue on Comparative survey analysis: Comparability and equivalence of measures in the journal methods, data, analyses
9/2017 Visiting Professor, Sapienza University, Rome
2016-2018 Guest editor of a special issue on explaining attitudes toward immigration: findings from the immigration module in the European Social Survey 2014-15 in the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
2016-2017 Guest editor of a special issue on immigration and immigrants in European societies in the International Journal of Comparative Sociology
2016-2017 Statistical and methodological consulting for the OECD
2016 Board member of the evaluation committee of the inter-university Master Program Public Opinion and Survey Research, Switzerland
2015-2023 Editorial board member of the journal Social Science Research
2015-2022 Editor of the book series of the European Association of Methodology (EAM)
2015-2018 Guest editor of a special issue on measurement invariance in cross-national studies in the journal Sociological Methods & Research
2015-2017 Member of the advisory board in the journal Survey Research Methods
2015-2017 President of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA)
2014-2021 Member of the scientific audit of GESIS
2014-  Advisory board member of the journal Social Problems
2013- Co-director of the University Research Priority Program (URPP) “Social Networks” at the University of Zurich
2013-2016 Co-director of the Department of Sociology, University of Zurich
2013-2015 Vice president of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA)
2011-  Advisory board member of the journal Politische Psychologie – Journal of Political Psychology
2011-2013 Chair of the scientific committee of ESRA
2009-2012 Guest editor of a special issue on the theory of human values in the journal Survey Research Methods